Saturday 15 October 2016

Task 1D: 2D Images

After doing a bit of research, I decided to create a Flickr account which I will use solely for my work and professional photos. I have been using Instagram for a few years so I thought I would challenge myself by using a different platform for my professional photos. Flickr is a large image and video hosting website with over 4 million photos being uploaded daily. Instagram and Flickr are similar but Flickr seems to have a few more options, such as connecting with other users that have similar interests and a Flickr blog. At the moment I am still trying to learn how to use Flickr properly so I am looking forward to experimenting more with my photo uploads to Flickr both on my laptop and on the app.

As a performer, Flickr will allow me to upload videos and photos which relate to my current work in the industry, connecting with other users all over the world who also work in the industry or may have a keen interest in theatre. The Arts relies heavily on social media as it allows us to self promote and may even help in gaining an audition, securing a performing job or by making a first impression on someone important in the industry. Uploading photos and videos to Flickr which are relevant to my career will allow my followers to keep up to date with my recent work and projects. 

This task has helped me to understand just how important social media is within my industry. I am going to continue to upload professional pictures to my Flickr account as I progress through the BAPP Course and this will hopefully help my self promotion skills and social networking.

My Flickr account:

1 comment:

  1. thanks Shannon a good start - yes images were difficult to reproduce back n the day but are now so central to everything we do agin - like the music video image - how do your 'see' yourself?
