Saturday 12 November 2016

Task 3A: Current Networks

Networking within the arts is vital. The industry is extremely tough and making contacts can make it a bit easier if you have a supportive pool of contacts who can give you a helping hand.
Image result for networking

What are the current and different ways (tools) that you have, or do, engage your professional network?
After graduating college I realised that I wasn't networking as much as I should have been. I have tried to develop my networking skills but I definitely think that I could still be networking more within the industry. Social media is a great way of networking within the performing industry. I mostly use Twitter to network by following creatives within the industry, for example, casting directors, producers and writers of new material that may be looking for actors that are within my casting bracket. A lot of casting is based on your look and sometimes this can be enough to be seen for an audition. If directors or theatre companies publicly announce that they are holding auditions for a show that I think I am suitable for I will contact my agent and ask to be submitted for an audition. I have also gained a few contacts by 'tweeting' directors or writers if I have been to see their work and have enjoyed it.

What are the established (and different) ways that others use their networks, especially if they are more established or experienced practitioners that you admire?
More established actors network by creating their own websites and fan club pages which allows them to send out monthly/weekly newsletters to keep their fans and followers posted on what work and jobs they have recently done or if they are appearing in any upcoming productions. Anyone can sign up to their newsletters and they are able to self-promote very easily by doing this. Other sites such as IMDB are also useful for actors as this will give a full list of their credits which can be viewed in one area online. This is also helpful for members of production eg if an actor had an audition with a film director they would be able to view which films the director had also worked on and gain a bit more background about them before meeting them at audition, for example. Casting Call Pro allows actors to put themselves forward for auditions and this site also allows you to contact others within the industry including agents, casting directors and other actors.

Are there methods, approaches and technologies that you use socially that might apply and help you develop your professional networking?
I use Facebook socially but it is also great for networking. I am a part of a few groups on Facebook which allow actors, casting directors and producers etc to post auditions and helpful information for working in the arts. YouTube can also be used for professional networking as it allows you to easily post media online which you can then share with others. If an industry professional like a casting director viewed a video I had posted on YouTube of myself acting or singing and enjoyed it, they would be able to get in contact with me without the extra hassle of going through my agent, and this may lead to future auditions or work with this company or casting director. This would also save the time for a face-to-face audition and in turn, saves room rental costs. As I mentioned above, having a personal website can help an actor a lot. Media such as videos, voice links, showreels and even headshots can be posted online and this allows more industry professionals to see your talents in the comfort of their own home!

When you reflect upon current networks, can you think about the motives of others to be in the network and what values and purpose they have in mind?
The motives of others to network is mainly to make contacts. By making contacts you are putting yourself out in the industry as an actor and this can get you noticed. Actors network to better themselves and by being active on social media sites such as Twitter, for example, actors have a higher chance of getting their profile into the public eye, hopefully securing auditions then jobs and working their way up the industry job ladder.

What would your ideal network look like and why?
My ideal network would include a wide variety of people who are in all different aspects of the industry such as directors, writers, producers and other performers. Even having professionals from different areas of the arts such as musicians, artists could make the process even more interesting. These contacts would be able to work together to create art.

What realistic things could you do to work towards developing your ideal network?
To work towards developing my ideal network I could definitely be more active on social media. I think that creating a LinkedIn profile might be the next step in developing my networking. I feel like LinkedIn is a very popular website so creating a profile would be a very worthwhile thing to do. The article below explains why this site is so helpful for actors.

What tools and methods do you need to use? What do you know about your current, and intended networks, and importantly, what do you not know?
After going through Reader 3 and completing this task I am going to work very hard to improve and increase my networking skills. In the future, I think that a website for my acting work would definitely be worthwhile and I could use this to promote myself by adding media such as video clips.

Image result for social media logos

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