Sunday 9 April 2017

Tasl 6B: Reviewing Inquiry Tools

Whilst choosing the method(s) which I believe are most relevant to my inquiry, I have critically reviewed the merits and limits of the tools discussed in Reader 6 in order to make a decision on which tool(s) to take forward to benefit my inquiry. I have analysed the merits and limits of 4 tools below.


- I am in charge of the questions
- Answers can be recorded for later reference
- Can get both verbal and non verbal communication (from watching the interviewee's body language)
- Able to choose exactly who you want to interview
- Allows the interviewee to expand on the questions therefore gaining more detailed answers
- Information is completely true and accurate
- Allows me to explain the questions in further detail if need be and allows the interviewee to expand on the question into a more developed conversation

- Time consuming
- Might be difficult to arrange a time that suits both myself and the person I am interviewing
- Interviewer might cause a question to be taken the wrong way based on their tone of voice/the way they ask the question


- Data is collected from a wide range of individuals
- Doesn't take much time to create a survey and can be easily shared online
- Interviewee can remain anonymous so responses might be more honest and truthful

- Sometimes a quantatitive approach only provides you with yes and no answers and these may not provide much information or help
- People might not leave enough time to complete the survey especially if it is on Web 2.0 and they are completing it on the go
- Participants might get bored and not complete the survey if they do not find it interesting
- Questions might not be 100% understood by the participants

Focus Groups

- People can discuss in an open environment which may encourage them to be more honest
- As discussion continues more ideas and points might be brought up as individuals bounce off others' ideas

- May not stick to the original points if the conversation wanders
- Some people may not say anything at all if there are individuals who are controlling the conversation
- Might be difficult to gather everyone at the same time
- Participants might feel that they cannot say everything that they would like to infront of other individuals


- Will expand your current knowledge
- Research is easily found on Web 2.0 and can be great to back up your point
- Can help act as a starting point for inquiry

- The document might be out of date information
- Could be biased and not truthful
- Can be difficult to find documents that relate to your inquiry and might mean that you don't stay on track

I think that interviews and documents will be the most beneficial in helping me with my inquiry. Interviews will help me to gain the exact information I need and ensures that it is true and accurate. I can record the interview to use for later reference and this will help me stay on track in my inquiry. Documents will also be essential for my inquiry as I want to gain knowledge and a better understanding. Documents will also give me evidence of what practitioners and professionals have said to use to back up my inquiry and this will act as a starting point.

I will be using the tools and methods in my inquiry planning and this will give me a broader understanding. I hope that my inquiry will provide performing arts students and professionals with a better understanding of the positioning of the performer between musical theatre and straight theatre/acting. After I have presented my inquiry I hope to add knowledge to this field.

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